Your Money in New York City 2023

Engel Harvey Garcia

Try buying a burger for less than $10 dollars. Today In New York City you will probably not be satisfied with your search. If you are looking for quality and substance, be prepared to dish out another $10 to get your money’s worth. As New York residents know all too well, we have been living through some of the highest inflation in the last 2 years. Since the early 1970’s most of us have not been around to have experienced it.  Experts say that inflation was foreseeable not after the pandemic but all over the world. It was easy to shut down but it was difficult to recover the economy.


Inflation is a term that refers to the increase in prices of goods and services over time. Inflation can have a significant impact on the economy of a region, affecting the cost of living and the purchasing power of individuals. In NYC, inflation has been affecting the cost of living in the city.

One of the factors contributing to inflation in NYC is the cost of housing. The demand for housing in the city has been on the rise due to growing population and the immigration of the people moving to the city. Inflation in NYC has been a concern for many years, and it affects the cost of living in the city. Factors such as the cost of housing, transportation, and food contribute to inflation in the city. The government of NYC has been implementing various measures to control inflation but it didn’t work.


As a result, the cost of renting or owning  a home has been increasing steadily, and this has been putting pressure on the cost of living in the city. According to ANYTIME ESTIMATE it says “Even since just 2000, home prices have grown 121% faster than the cost of general goods. But the difference is even higher since the start of the pandemic. In just 2020 and 2021 alone, the rise in home prices has exceeded overall inflation by 168%.”  This clearly demonstrates how the market can be affected by various economic factors, including inflation and market demand. Moreover another factor that contributes to inflation in NYC is the cost of transportation. NYC has a complex transportation system that includes buses, subways and taxis. The cost of using these modes of transportation has been increasing, and this has been putting pressure on the cost of living in the city. According to US.News It says “When transportation costs are high, the rate of inflation climbs with it. The rise in transportation costs is an important factor in the current period of inflation. High transportation costs reduce the amount of money consumers have available to spend elsewhere, resulting in lower demand for other goods and services.” This shows that the transportation cost has to be affordable for people who usually take public transportation because they aren’t available to buy a car.

The cost of food is also a factor that contributes to inflation in NYC. The city is known for its diverse and vibrant food scene, but the cost of dining out or purchasing groceries has been increasing the cost of food and the city is affected by this high prices of food and the people are not able to buy food. According to CBS New York, “Food prices were up 12.2 percent since last year.” The increase in food prices could be demonstrated by looking at the Consumer Price Index (CPI) for food. The CPI for food would show the percentage increase in food prices compared to the previous year.

There are several measures that the government could take to try to stop inflation in NY.

  • Monetary policy: The government could adjust monetary policy to reduce the amount of money in circulation, which could reduce inflation.
  • Price regulation: The government could try to regulate the prices of certain goods and services to prevent them from rising too high.
  • Trade policy: The government could try to reduce tariffs and trade barriers to reduce the prices of imported goods.

The government should start this right now because next month the whole country might go bankrupt.