Dear Liberty…May 2023

Dear Liberty, 

l work two jobs and it’s hard for me. l have to be at school at 8am.  There is no time for me to rest. What should l do? I am overworked plus l need to pass my classes.



Hard Worker


Dear Hard Worker,

We suggest you be convinced to give yourself some time from one of the jobs and focus more on studying, so you can pass all your classes. In addition you should finish your class work if you want to be successful.

This is not only for you to be well in your classes but also for your physical and mental health, since working a lot can cause stress and exhaustion. It is important to find a balance between work and free time to take care of yourself. 


First, you can talk to your teachers and ask them for help, and get more practice from them. Maybe they can stay after school to help you.

Then, talk to your manager and see if they can cut your hours.





Dear Liberty,

I’m a high school senior faced with a big issue.  Since I was little I thought that after high school, I would go to college and that I would become doctor like my mother. My mother was very proud that her daughter wanted to become a doctor like her and even bragged about it. For a few months I’m not anymore thinking of becoming a doctor, nor even of going to college. I’m afraid to announce to my mom that her darling daughter no longer wants to become what she wants. I’m scared because I know it will hurt her very much and my intention is not to hurt her because I love her too much for that but medicine no longer fascinates me as it used to and school has become a prison for me from which I was trying to escape. I don’t know how to tell her all this. Graduation days are fast approaching and every day she asks me what my dream college is but she doesn’t know that there is none, I was always trying to dodge the question but I know that one day I should face it.  Please I need all the help I can get.



Dear Road Change,

You cannot tell her without hurting her. You have to tell her I’m sure that she will understand how you feel about all of this and maybe she will not but tell her before she finds out by herself. Everybody can change directions on the road and that ‘s your case, don’t feel guilty because you decide to change your road. Don’t go in any direction that’s not yours. Be yourself and if your family loves you, they will accept your choice even if it is not their choice. Before telling her, put her in a good mood and make a speech about why you want to change your road. Tell her the pros and cons. ( which problems ?) (What is the different road?) 


In addition, in my opinion you should tell your mom about why you changed your mind and tell her which career you want, and finally why you want this career. And ask her if she agrees with you about your new road. 




Dear Liberty,

I don’t love my girlfriend as I used to and I don’t know how to tell her that I want to break up. Obviously, I still love her but as a friend and nothing more. I’m not afraid to tell her but I’m afraid of her reaction. She’s kind and caring, I don’t want to hurt her. She deserves better than me because I can’t love her like I used to. I tried to tell how I feel about our relationship but could not. Sometimes I hope her feelings for me disappear like my for her.  I can no longer look at her or tell her that I love her. I need help. How can I tell her my feelings without hurting her.


Change of Love

Dear Change of Love,

 The thing is if you don’t like your girlfriend as you used to. Let her know how you feel before you destroy your entire relationship because you say that you still love her as a friend and maybe there’s a chance for you guys to be friends when you break up. Your feelings are not the only ones that matter here. You have to listen to her perspective and try to understand her point of view about all of this situation. If you tell her maybe it will hurt but one day will come  and it will not hurt any more. Just tell her and maybe she will respect your decisions. The best thing is to talk to her to tell her that your feelings for her have changed and tell her it would be better to break up so as not to continue hurting her, tell her that you are there to support her but as friends.

So we suggest that after school you take her to the park or some private place where you can talk about this situation. It’s better that you talk to her about this whole situation and not break up with her without an explanation because no one deserves that, it wouldn’t be right.




 Dear Liberty,

 I entered into a relationship a few months ago with a person whom I love very much.  It’s a long distance relationship, although every weekend we meet in person.  But I would like to ask you something: How can I maintain intimacy in a long distance relationship?  I am sure that you have many good ideas for further success in this new chapter of my life. I would also like advice on how to maintain communication with my partner.  What can be done, like living together the most significant moments through the distance?

Thank you in advance for any advice you can share.



Relationship at a Distance


Dear Relationship at a Distance, 

Our advice is that  if you truly love them and want to be with them try to move together so that way you share moments and intimacy every time you want. If you guys stay long distance try to keep communication through phone calls and messages.

 We give you this advice because if you feel like you have the necessity to be close to your partner the best option is to move together and                                                                                                                          make things work better, unless the relationship is not that serious and you want to keep a long distance 

while you try to  figure out what you both really want.


Something you can do if you want to know more about your partner and their feelings, it is always good to spend time together, know their likes and flaws, and take a vacation and do something fun.


