The consumption of marijuana can be very addictive and cause many health problems, mental problems, and can even cause death. Consuming it can cause emotional disorders, schizophrenia at an early age, depression and anxiety, it can also cause damage to the lungs and even cancer. According to https://pnsd.sanidad.gob.es, “Cannabis use can lead to several types of mental disorders, including psychotic disorders. Its consumption increases the risk of suffering from psychosis throughout life more than five times. The earlier you start using and the more frequent the consumption, the greater the risk.” It is clear that consuming marijuana is very detrimental because it threatens one’s health.
Consumption in early adolescents can have permanent effects on the developing brain, especially if consumed regularly or in large quantities. According to https://www.cdc.gov, “The negative effects of marijuana use in adolescents include: difficulty thinking and solving problems, problems with memory and learning, reduced coordination, difficulty maintaining attention, and problems with school and social.” It is clear that marijuana consumption not only affects adults but also affects minors.
Consuming marijuana when you are pregnant can also cause serious problems for both you and your baby. According to www.cdc.gov, “Consuming marijuana when you are pregnant can cause serious problems for both you and your baby tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC) pass through your system and reach your baby, and could affect the baby’s development.” It is clear that marijuana use is very bad and threatens your health and your baby’s health when you are pregnant.
For me, talking about this topic is very important since I would like people to live a healthy life in a very beautiful country and also have a happy family, because marijuana use affects you so much that it distances you and destroys a family. Addiction can be so intense that it even leads you to try much stronger drugs. This is the reason why I would like the government to provide support to people who are on the street, people who need help, and enforce the prohibition of sales to minors.